Partnership Disputes
What should you do if you cannot resolve a dispute with your business partner? Should you litigate? Dissolve the partnership? These are hard questions with no easy answers.
A partnership dispute usually arises when the partners cannot agree on how to run the business. When they arise, you will need an experienced attorney to help protect your interests. At the Florida Small Business Legal Center, we can assist you in resolving your partnership dispute and reaching a fair outcome.
With Partnership Disputes, It’s Important to Act Fast

If you are having a serious dispute with your business partner, you must act as soon as possible to protect your business and the equity interests that you have worked so hard to build. Your partner may also try to freeze you out if you don’t act quickly.
Attorney Rich Sierra and the team at the Florida Small Business Legal Center can assist you with partnership dispute matters like the following:
- Claims for breach of fiduciary duty
- Fraudulent use of funds
- Interfering with a contract
- Partnership dissolution
- Disputes arising from divorce and probate
If you run into an issue not covered in your partnership agreement, or if there is no partnership agreement at all, you can still try to negotiate a solution. Negotiation means finding an outcome you can both live with, and we will fight to achieve the best result and keep your legal fees reasonable.
Mediation is another option for resolving disputes that could save you money. However, if these options don’t work, we can represent you in either arbitration or litigation, depending on the terms of your partnership agreement.
Facing a Partnership Dispute?
Get Legal Advice Now!
If you are having a serious dispute with your business partner, you must act as soon as possible to protect your business and the equity interests that you have worked so hard to create. Call the Florida Small Business Center at 1-866-842-5202.